First and Foremost...
So I was on the phone with my ex-roommate and he's just totally thrilled that someone he doesn't know commented on one of his blogs. I'm thinking, "what's a blog", and next thing I know I'm reading outloud to him ALL OF HIS BLOGS, just so he can explain anything that may be confusing. BTW, he's doubleclick80, you should read it. It's amusing.
Anyway, now here I am writing my one first blog. And I've got nothing. Ehh, Umm, like, ...
So, perhaps you would like to know a little about me, perhaps not but I'm going to tell you anyway. I like, flirting, reality TV, the color red, reading, pool, shopping, money, hot men, hanging out with friends (aka drinking with friends), traveling, the color green, driving, being right, being the best, winning, laughing, painting, photography, games, movies, musicals, dressing up, decorating, arts and crafts, dogs, the color purple, amusement parks, beachs, climbing, hiking, singing in the shower, all music, gay men, flowers, the color orange, shoes, the movie labyrinth, prime rib, vodka, manly men, challenges, warm weather, the color blue, making new friends, drinking, decorating the x-mas tree, playing, candles, cookies, cards, forests, the color yellow...You get the picture, there's more but I hate to drag on and on.
Well, I guess I did it. I wrote my first blog. Yay me. Next time, I'll give you a little insight into my life, or not depending on how I feel, but for now. Ta-Ta!
YAY blogging...This would be Matt, the ex-roomate you've all heard about now. And, YES, I did make her read me all of my entries over the phone...some things just need a little explanation sometimes. (or a juicy secret that I didn't blog about)...anyway, WELCOME TO THE'll be fun, I swear.
mmm juicy, I forgot to mention that I like secrets.
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